I'm a father of three, husband, and an investment advisor to individuals and their families
Fund Manager & Founder of Berk Advisory, an investment advisor that manages portfolios of stocks for individuals and their families.We make building wealth in the stock market accessible to individuals and families by building and monitoring portfolios of stocks that we know very well.
Our clients avoid the costs and constraints of mututal funds and other investment advisors' accounts. They directly own their own securities. All cash is insured by the FDIC.
Our Value-Aligned™ Strategy is focused on buying companies that use an value-based management (VBM) system. Its Value Investing using EVA® to judge whether companies are managing for the benefit of shareholders. Other value investors use EVA to evaluate corporate performance and for valuation...none systematically target companies that use the EVA system. Value-Aligned companies either already use EVA or are in process of adopting a similar Value-Based Management (VBM) system.
As a corporate finance consultant at Stern Stewart & Co in charge of N. American EVA® implementations, I specialized in advising manufacturing companies on shareholder value issues. I also designed and conducted corporate finance education and EVA training for over 6,500 financial and line managers, and corporate boards.
As Chief Financial Officer and Head Trader for Woodward & Associates, a New York based hedge fund, I was responsible for analytical systems, performance reporting, portfolio and regulatory accounting, trading strategies and analysis, and tax plans for taxable clients.
hockey, baseball, market, stocks, value investing