Here's how ObamaCare has worked so far from this article:
No Universal Coverage since Day 1:
"The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act set out to extend health care coverage to nearly everyone. The day it was born it was clear it would fall at least 21 million people short of universal coverage. Since then, nearly every insurance company has stopped offering child-only policies because they no longer can charge higher premiums for sicker kids. Some companies, including 3M, have stopped offering health benefits to retirees and low-income workers."
Costs continue to climb; Democrats Lied About Savings From Medicare:
"Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius confessed under congressional questioning recently that Obamacare financial wizards double-counted. Money the administration claimed to save by cutting Medicare was money it also claimed to spend – twice. Obama's bureaucrats planned to use $500 billion to fund Obamacare. And to sustain Medicare."
Death Panels Back!!!! by the Bureaucrats - if the People Don't Want It Democrats Make the Commissar Put them Back by Command.
"The New York Times broke the news in December that what was erased from the bill will be reinstituted by bureaucratic fiat. Medicare will "pay doctors who advise patients on options for end-of-life care, which may include directives to forgo aggressive life-sustaining treatment," Times reporter Robert Pear wrote."
Waivers...favored people with access to the bureaucracy and the White House get waivers. Nice rule of law.
"More than 1,000 unions, companies and nonprofits requested, and were given, waivers so they don't have to immediately abide by Obamacare provisions, exempting 2.6 million people. Yes, those are the same provisions we were told that we would find so likeable.
"That raises another repulsive feature of this megalaw: It set up the federal government as dispenser of special treatment. If there's something painful, costly or unworkable about Obamacare, feel free to go hat in hand to one of the 159 new friendly, faceless bureaucracies created by the law and plead, beg or whine to see if they will give you a waiver, too." (My emphasis)